The social policy is the important component part of the agrarian business in Ukraine. Support of development of rural areas, their infrastructure, creation of such environment under which people would like to live and to work in rural areas are the essential conditions of an availability of professional promising workers in the company as well as a support of a company from a community and local authorities.
IMC doesn’t avoid social problems of those regions where the enterprises of the company are present. During years 2008-2021 of doing business in those regions the following actions and activities took place:
- reconstruction of schools,kindergartens,village first-aid stations
- purchase and installation of metal-plastic windows in schools and hospitals
- reconstruction of roads,water supply systems,provision of villages with electric light
- acquisition of X-ray equipment and ambulance cars for the regional hospitals
- financing of football teams
- construction of bridge, construction of boarding school
- permanent sponsoring support of schools and kindergartens
- sponsorship of regional cultural events, festivals, fairs, various holidays of village communities
- aid to the district and regional hospitals to fight COVID-19
In 2021 IMC spent more than UAH 18 million to give the social assistance.
In 2012 the company came to the decision to unite all our social and public efforts in the one integrated program “IMC. Aid to People”.
Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2021-2022